Tuesday 22 December 2009

Fed up

I'm so fed up today. HA still here, got twinges in chest and feels tight.

So stressed out. Won't go into it, just hope i start feeling a bit better before Christmas!

Monday 21 December 2009



Never have 3 cats!! They are seriously doing my head in big time today, cause there is a little bit of snow two of them wont go out, the kitten would love to go out but can't so is proper playing up!

I'm getting stressed out which is bringing on the Anxiety. I need to get out of this flat and get away from them. Roll on Christmas Day when I'll be at my dads alllllllllll day!

Sunday 20 December 2009

About me and my HA

Well maybe this will help people understand me and my HA (Health Anxiety).

Thinking back to when I was younger I can remember trapping my thumb in a door and my nail went black and I panicked and asked my Mum if it had ever happened to her cause I was convinced I was going to die! I can only think that from an early age I've heard something that has put it in my head about dying .... my brother got a brain Tumor at 15, I was 6..... thankfully it was benign but I think it must stem from this.

Only recently has my HA gotten worse to the point where on a daily basis I'm having panic attacks, even though I try to rationalise these thoughts and tell myself "You're having a panic attack everything is fine" in the back of my head I'm thinking "Or am I? What if I am actually having the onset of a heart attack"!!

I don't know much about the help that is out there for people who suffer with HA but thanks to www.nomorepanic.co.uk I know that I am not alone.

I wish my family could be more supportive and not call me a drama queen all the time or roll their eyes when I am looking for reassurance but I guess they just don't understand and it's something I have to deal with.

Believe me family .... I do my own head in!!!

OK this has been a welcome "distraction" and my breathing is now getting easier so I will end it here for today but I will probably pop back on tomorrow.

For anyone with HA reading this please go to www.nomorepanic.co.uk and know you are never alone.

Kirsty xxxx

Today I have tight chest and still feel like I'm on a boat